iDiv Conference 2024

Leipziger KUBUS Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ

Leipziger KUBUS Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ

Permoserstraße 15, 04318 Leipzig-Ost
Nadja Rueger (BioCity Interim II), Walter Durka (UFZ)
iDiv Conference 2024
75 / 300
    • Workshop (1) B.01.04 - Red Queen (Alte Messe)

      (1) B.01.04 - Red Queen

      Alte Messe

      iDiv Core Center, Puchstraße 4, 04103 Leipzig
      Show room on map
      • 1
        How to improve a good scientific talk/presentation

        This short hands-on workshop is meant to give you practical help to improve your next scientific presentation (i.e. talk based on slides). Given the timing we could focus on your iDiv conference oral presentations and improve them. But any other presentation purpose is welcome too of course. Three hours are not much and thus I will focus on main principles. It’s very little about design principles, colors, style or your content itself. But its also not about vague meta level buzzwords, its hands on using your material.
        The workshop is meant to be interactive in an informal setting. It’s mainly based on my own taste and experiences of listening and giving bacillions of presentations. I want to create an atmosphere of trust, where all participants can give open and honest feedbacks. This workshop should help you. I will show with few real examples of slides and different presentation styles how the 1) way you present your scientific story as well as how 2) different ways of slide structures and elements can improve your presentation skills and the way how your audience perceive, understand and remember your research.
        You will need a finalized! presentation you want to show and improve, a laptop with the respective software to work on the slides. Depending on the number of participants some (or all) will present examples of these presentations before and after we jointly worked on the slides. Be prepared to present your slides in front of the participants. Be prepared to receive critical feedback meant to improve your presentation.
        Maybe I can’t help you, maybe we as a team don’t see potential for improvement. But I hope at the end of this short session, some of the participants leave with a better conscious and confidence how to give a good scientific talk about their research.

        Speaker: Marten Winter
    • Workshop: Molecular network analysis for rapid and visual exploration of MS-based metabolomics datasets (0) B.00.02 - Brood – Beehive (Alte Messe)

      (0) B.00.02 - Brood – Beehive

      Alte Messe

      iDiv Core Cnter, Puschstr. 4, 04103 Leipzig
      Show room on map
      • 2
        Computational metabolomics tools for rapid exploration of chemical space in molecular networks

        Metabolomics data is rich and often large, containing far more variables than samples while many features remain unannotated. Therefore, the analysis of metabolomics data is not trivial and calls for approaches complementary to (multivariate) statisticial analyses not only to overcome the metabolite annotation bottleneck, but more importantly, to facilitate the rapid exploration of the chemical space in a (biological) sample. In this workshop, molecular networking (and thus graph theory) concepts will be introduced and real-world examples will be discussed using metabolomics data with special attention to the differences between mass-difference networking, classical, and feature-based molecular networking. During a hands-on session, available computational metabolomics tools for molecular substructure/motif discovery (MS2LDA/MASS2MOTIF) and data visualization (Cytoscape) will be collectively explored. The targeted audience includes experienced, novice and aspiring mass spectromery-based metabolomics users.

        Speaker: Redouan Adam Anaia (Radboud University - former iDiv)
    • Workshop: Exploring bitfields for spatially explicit metadata processing and reuse (2) C.02.05 - Grand Canyon (Alte Messe)

      (2) C.02.05 - Grand Canyon

      Alte Messe

      Show room on map
      • 3
        Exploring bitfields for spatially explicit metadata processing and reuse

        Computational workflows in the earth system sciences are becoming increasingly sophisticated, where data of different types and sources are integrated into large-scale, modelled data products. This is partly a consequence of a competition-driven diversification of tools and approaches, with the desirable side effect that we learn more about the earth's spheres from more distinct perspectives. Ideally, sophisticated and complex workflows are better at mapping the sophisticated interaction networks on our planet with less ambiguity. However, the reality is that practical considerations or a lack of resources or time in our projects demand non-ideal decisions, and how that impacts results often needs to be clarified. We quantify the errors of our output, and software engineering uses so-called unit tests, where the output of the "smallest units" of code are compared against expected results. While error reporting (of the output) is part of best practice in the earth sciences, analysis of intermediate data typically only happens project-internally but is rarely reported, even though intermediate data of one project are often the starting point of another project.

        With the help of the bitfield R-package, one can produce (simple) tests that document data and metadata snapshots along a computational workflow and store them in a very compact form (an integer stored as a column in a table or raster layer). This resulting computational footprint could be called meta-analytic or meta-algorithmic data because it allows spatially explicit documentation and re-use of an analysis or algorithm. The bitfield is a promising data structure already employed in the MODIS quality flag that allows vast information to be stored in a single integer. In this workshop, you will learn how to use the tools in bitfield, get an introduction to the software logic, and we may discuss possible use cases and the future of this technology.

        Speaker: Steffen Ehrmann
    • 4:00 PM

      Post-Workshop Get-Together, Open to All Conference Guests

    • 4
      Welcome note

      Hall 1, 1st floor

    • 5
      Keynote Jane Hill

      Hall 1, 1st floor

    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Talk Session: Biodiversity & Society Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity Change Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Flexpool Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch Break
    • Talk Session: Biodiversity & Society Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity Change Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity and the functioning of Ecosystem Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • 3:00 PM
      Coffe Break
    • Talk Session: Biodiversity Dynamics & Complexity Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity and the functioning of Ecosystem Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Molecular Biodiversity and Evolution Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Poster session
    • Talk Session: Biodiversity Dynamics and Complexity Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity and the functioning of Ecosystem Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Flexpool Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity & Society Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • 10:15 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Talk Session: Biodiversity Change Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2 (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/2-AB - Hall 2

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Biodiversity and the functioning of Ecosystem Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-A - Hall 1 A

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • Talk Session: Molecular Biodiversity and Evolution Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B (Leipziger KUBUS)

      Leipziger KUBUS/1-B - Hall 1 B

      Leipziger KUBUS

    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch Break
    • 6
      Keynote Susanne Fritz

      Hall 1, 1st floor

    • Wrap-up and Award Ceremony

      Hall 1, 1st floor